What's New in Civic Platform 19.1.0
Accela offers these new features and enhancements to our customers.
Accela GIS
- API Server
A new component appears during the base installation of Civic Platform: Api Server. This provides access to the search features in Accela GIS.
- JavaScript GIS User Interface
The JavaScript GIS user interface now includes several new search functions previously only available in Silverlight GIS. Many search results are also now plotted. A few other user interface enhancements were added in this product release.
- JavaScript GIS Administration
Within the JavaScript GIS administration site, agencies can now configure system settings, refresh GIS cache, and edit data export settings.
Citizen Access
- Brand Builder
Citizen Access now includes these website management features within Brand Builder.
- Import/Export of site styles: Personalized website styles can be imported into Citizen Access or exported out of the application.
- Multi-language support: Brand Builder can be configured to support multiple languages.
- Theme Builder: In addition to pre-loaded color theme templates, the banner, footer, buttons, navigation menus, and various backgrounds can be customized to the agency’s preference.
Civic Platform
- Multi-database Batch Job Servers
A new batch job server design targets a multi-database architecture to improve performance. An independent common distributor server (based on the BIZ server) listens for job messages from each database, then distributes jobs in turn to batch job servers. Each batch job server then handles the job based on the status and keeps track of that job as necessary.
- Form Designer updates
Several additional forms now include the option to switch to the new Form Designer.
- EMSE Security Control filter
This release introduces a security filter for the EMSE engine. Previously a white list was used on the av.emse.security control in the BIZ ServerConfig.properties file. This is now a black list that blocks (by default) the classes java.lang.ProcessBuilder and java.lang.Runtime.
- Wildfly Application Server
Wildfly 10.1.0 Application Server (with Undertow Web Server embedded) replaces JBoss in this release.
Construct API
Along with Civic Platform 19.1.0, Construct 4.2 and Gateway 3.2.4 include these performance enhancements:
Asynchronous method: Construct API now uses this method (instead of the synchronous method) for:
- All web controllers.
- All API controllers.
- All business repositories that access resources such as database storage and remote servers.
- WebClient is now replaced with HttpClient.
Full details of all Construct releases, with fully documented APIs, are available on the Accela Developer Portal: Construct API Release Notes.
Mobile Apps
- Upon opening inspection/record details, data now is stored locally and does not require reloading when navigating back to that screen.
- 40% fewer API calls provide performance improvement.
- Caching improves stability, reducing instances of app crashing to near zero.
- Nomenclature consistency with Civic Platform
- Field labels in Accela Mobile now match the standard field labels used in the Civic Platform.
- Record Management
- Users can now set parent/child relationships between records
- Users are now able to add and edit conditions on a record.
- Users now have expanded abilities to manage records and to edit inspections on records