This section describes the latest Civic Platform supported environments for the System
Planning Guide, including these updates:
Table 1. Revision History
Date |
Description |
November 2018 |
- Updated the memory recommendations for servers in Hardware
- Added to Supported Third Party Products: Elasticsearch version
6.3.2, Ersi ArcGIS version 10.6.x, Microsoft .NET Framework
version 4.7.1, Microsoft SQL Server 2016, SQL Server Reporting
Services 2016, and UIC Magnetic Card Reader Model
- Removed from Supported Third Party Products: Esri ArcGIS Engine
10.4.x with network extension, TLS 1.0, Microsoft SQL Server
2012, and JRE 8.
- Updated in Supported Operating Systems: The supported Android
and iOS versions in Supported Operating Systems.
- Removed from Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server